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Team-wide business solutions to equip and enable great negotiation capability

A range of corporate packages to suit all sizes of organization and all types of negotiation. They are suitable for sales teams, procurement teams or other business functions that need to negotiate. The packages include live, high-impact, instructor-led negotiation training, licenses to Ruby+ for one year, and a range of expert negotiation tools and resources to enhance capability and boost results.


Negotiation Awareness Package

The negotiation awareness package is based around the Red Sheet® Nano – the perfect tool for planning simple or individual negotiations, along with an introduction to some of the soft skills and tactics required for success.


Intermediate Negotiator Package

This package is based around the Red Sheet Lite – a fast and effective professional process for everyday negotiations, along with the soft skills and tactics required for success.


Advanced Negotiator Package

This package is based around the original Red Sheet methodology and covers the process for team or high-value/complex negotiations, along with the soft skills and tactics required for success.


When focused around the specific needs of your organization or individuals, negotiation coaching can make a dramatic difference to negotiated outcomes, whilst building organization-wide knowledge and capability.

Ideally delivered following a Red Sheet training program, we offer a range of coaching options to help you develop your negotiation strategy and plan that will get the results you need.


Coaching program for individuals

A series of focused one-on-one coaching workshops to support preparation for a specific negotiation or to build general capability. This program is specific to an individual and tailored to their individual needs. Typically delivered as a series of 2-hour web meetings.


Coaching program for teams

A series of small team coaching workshops focused on building advanced capability for Red Sheet application and helping teams realize specific organizational goals and outcomes. Typically delivered as a series of live, online, instructor-led sessions or face-to-face workshops.


Negotiation Preparation Coaching

Coaching to prepare individuals or teams for a specific negotiation. A series of planning workshops using the Red Sheet methodology to prepare for and if required, help deliver, key negotiations. Typically delivered as a series of live, online, instructor-led sessions or face-to-face workshops.


Senior team negotiation coaching and consultancy

Support for the senior team to deploy Red Sheet across an organization and realize the potential it can bring. We help embed the methodology and drive in application, whilst ensuring good process rigor and knowledge sharing. Includes help for senior teams to measure the effectiveness of negotiation outcomes and drive an effective organization-wide strategy for negotiation capability, process and approach

Learning Resources


Negotiation for Procurement & Supply Chain Professionals 3rd Edition Book

Our award-winning book, Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals by CEO, Jonathan O’Brien, can be purchased to support your Red Sheet learning experience. It provides a firm background for applying the Red Sheet methodology and makes an excellent tool for reinforcing your journey to negotiating excellence.

Use discount code PWLG20 to receive a 20% discount!


Self-Paced Learning

Why not try one of our individual, self-managed digital learning modules. We offer a range of negotiation training modules on demand, available from our online Store. These equip you with some learning and simple tools to help prepare for any negotiation. These short interactive multimedia modules are ideal for building core competencies, topping up your skillset, or clarifying your strategy for a specific negotiation event.