Skills Assessment

Great Capability Starts With A Great Skills Assessment

Assess your team > Baseline capability > Target learning and development

Get a precise understanding of procurement skill level throughout your team and measure the gap between where they need to be. Our flexible assessment options form the perfect starting point for a high-impact learning and development program tailored to each individual, and linked to business objectives.

Option 1 - Skills Assessment

Question-based self-assessment with GAP analysis and personal development plan. Integrate with the Procleus Virtual Learning Environment to work through your individual learning pathway.

Self-managed evaluation with extensive random test questions covering the core skills, enablement capabilities, and strategic competencies required from today’s procurement professional.

  • 40-point assessment across 9 skill areas, covering all aspects of modern strategic procurement (takes about 60 minutes)
  • Set role specific target levels
  • Individual and full-team reporting
  • Personal development plans automatically appear in Procleus – Work through your individual learning pathway in our vast Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
  • Team-wide learning and development program tailored to each individual
  • Repeat regularly to gauge progress
  • Customized assessment options

Option 2 - Interview based Competency Assessment

A two stage deep-dive assessment process comprising an initial self-assessment against level descriptors citing supporting evidence, followed by a 1-2 hour interview with an expert.


Self-paced initial online assessment where candidates rate themselves for each competency, according to what criteria they can claim to meet and provide examples (takes 1-2 hours).


Candidate interview with a procurement expert to review and discuss each response and verify actual competency scoring/moderate scoring (1-2 hours)

  • In-depth 25-point assessment across 5 competency areas, covering all aspects of modern strategic procurement.
  • Role specific target levels.
  • Individual summary report and personal development plan (for both training and other development) agreed with the candidate.
  • Comprehensive team wide report and data pack, with narrative around key findings, star candidates and recommendations.
  • Individual personal development plans – work through key parts of your individual learning pathway in our Procleus Virtual Learning Environment.
  • Repeat regularly to gauge progress.
  • Support to manage internal communications.
  • Customization options, and option to train and equip internal line managers to conduct interviews.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to discuss how our skills assessment, platforms and training options could work for your organization, please click below or call us on +44 33 00 94 0000.

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