Procurement MBA Students Prepare for Expert Insights in Supplier Relationships and Innovation
On 2 April, our CEO Jonathan O’Brien, will be delivering an online guest lecture on ‘Supplier Relationships and Innovation’ to Procurement MBA students at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
The event is designed as part of the university’s curriculum to improve the skillset of future procurement professionals. Staff and students from other mater’s degree programmes including Public Procurement, Business Informatics, Health Business Management and Industrial Management, have also been invited.
While many of the attendees will already have several years of work experience in purchasing, procurement or sourcing, there will be some with an interest in the field who are considering changing jobs.

Jonathan O’Brien is renowned for his knowledge in the procurement field and he is excited to inspire and empower the next generation of procurement leaders, equipping them with the tools and strategies to excel in a rapidly evolving global marketplace!
To find out more about the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences master degree programme in Procurement, click here.