Positive Purchasing, the specialist training and consultancy business, is launching two new online academies at P4H2016 in Birmingham on 13 July 2016.
The Procurement and Supply Chain Academy for the NHS is a cloud-based platform that combines the latest eLearning technology with access on demand to a proven suite of processes, toolkits, templates and resources for strategic procurement and negotiation.
Developed specifically for procurement practitioners in the NHS, it incorporates the internationally recognized 5i® Category Management Sourcing Process, the Orchestra of SRM® (Supplier Relationship Management), and the Red Sheet® negotiation planning tool.
The second launch, The Positive Healthcare Academy, is targeted at procurement professionals across the wider healthcare industry. It has been designed to equip practitioners with all the category management and supplier relationship management (5i and Orchestra of SRM) tools required to deliver a dramatic reduction in third party spend and increase innovation in the supply base.
Featuring specific healthcare examples and resources, it includes a powerful eLearning suite incorporating the latest interactive and video technology for remote learning.
Jonathan O’Brien, CEO of Positive Purchasing, said:
“We are delighted to be launching our two new healthcare-focused Academies at P4H2016 to help practitioners across the public and private sectors meet future goals effectively.
“The Procurement and Supply Chain Academy for the NHS provides practitioners with all the tools required, at an attractive price, to transform procurement capability within NHS Trusts and associated entities to meet today’s efficiency challenge. It enables cross-functional engagement with physicians and clinicians to support strategic sourcing and organization-wide sharing of best practice. This will result in price and risk reduction to lower the NHS cost burden and stimulate supply base innovation to improve social and patient outcomes.
“Our second launch, The Positive Healthcare Academy, will help practitioners in the healthcare sector to maximize profitability by lowering price, cost and risk whilst delivering better patient outcomes from supply base improvements.”
Both academies provide access to internationally recognized best practice toolkits and are available on an annual subscription basis. Additional options available include high impact classroom training to accelerate team learning.
For further information about the Academies or other global training courses, procurement transformation programs, processes and toolkits, contact: team@positivepurchasing.com.