News, Events & Insights: Negotiation

10 Brexit negotiation tips!  It’s hard to find an article that isn’t asserting a view on Brexit right now, but it’s even more difficult to find one that gives real help and guidance on what business leaders, politicians and the rest of us need to get on and do. There is much talk of the need for negotiation, and lots of it! This article ... More Info
Ten questions to help understand and plan for cultural differences. International commerce means the world is fast becoming a smaller place. As a result, it is easy to assume that, if organizations are interacting routinely across geographic boundaries and conducting business in one increasingly universal language, there is no longer a need to consider our cultural differences. Cultural differences shape who we are, ... More Info
“How do I know what I should pay for this?” is a fair question when planning a negotiation and one I frequently hear being asked, especially by those just starting out. There is a common misconception that somewhere out there lies a magic tool or approach used by the professionals to gain this insight. Sadly, there’s not! In some cases, with a bit of prior effort, research ... More Info
The specialist Red Sheet Negotiation Tool is celebrating the tenth anniversary. Red Sheet is a powerful and highly effective planning tool that brings confidence to both the most experienced as well ... More Info