The Procurement Show Podcast


Tackling the hot procurement topics we all need to be thinking about, The Procurement Show sets out to explore the more interesting aspects of procurement! Hosted by procurement expert and award-winning author of a series of acclaimed procurement and negotiation books,
and the CEO of Positive Purchasing, Jonathan O’Brien.




Latest Episode
March 2024

Episode 36 – How We Will Negotiate in 2050?

Jonathan and Paul hop into their very expensive time machine and travel 26 years into the future to find out how we will negotiate, the domination of AI and if people will actually be required in the negotiation process. We also discover whether or not Paul is a human being.

August 2023

Episode 30 – I Hate Procurement

In this episode, Jonathan O’Brien and Paul Philpott are joined by Marcus Evans who has spent 30 years in advertising running agencies including Ogilvy BBDO and TBWA, where new business (sales) was one of his main activities. They look at how procurement teams cope when they’re faced with highly trained salespeople. Marcus is now a lead trainer for Positive Purchasing’s Red Sheet Negotiation program. A while back he told us that, when he was negotiating with his advertising clients, he came to “really hate Procurement!” So we had to find out why he came over to what he calls “The Dark Side….”.

March 2023

Episode 25 – Everybody’s Talking

In this episode, Jonathan O’Brien and Paul Philpott discuss the importance of understanding and managing body language in a negotiation. Body language has often been mentioned in previous editions of the Procurement Show, so this time Jonathan dedicates an entire episode to it. How it can help in negotiation, how you can tell what someone is really communicating to you and tips on what you should avoid revealing with your body language.

October 2022

Episode 21 – Negotiation

In this episode, Jonathan O’Brien and Paul Philpott discuss negotiation. What are the tactics? What are the best ones to use? What are the ones to avoid? Can you tell when negotiation tactics are being used on you? Plus… will Jonathan be “good cop” while Paul is “bad cop”…?

August 2021

Episode 8 – Negotiation: It isn’t what you say… We explore language and tone of voice

Jonathan and Paul discuss the importance of language during a negotiation, and how tone of voice and phraseology can be used to help drive a negotiation in the direction you want. Examples include leading questions, hidden meanings, inflections, and how to tune in to your audience. We explore the subtle nuances we use every day, and consider ways in which we can proactively embrace these nuances to your advantage.

January 2021

Episode 2 – Remote negotiation

Jonathan talks about negotiating remotely, and how the method has certainly become the ‘in thing’, albeit through necessity. Plus, tips on negotiating over video platforms such as Zoom and Teams, the good old telephone and other methods – even text messages! From picking up on nuances during a discussion to training yourself to be a negotiation performer.